Untitled (Storyboard), 2012 
– collages on paper
A4 and A5, inkjet print on paper, bic, marker, glue

Taking as a point of departure making storyboards and scouting locations for a feature film, Untitled (Storyboard) combines photos of contemporary Utrecht’s urban spaces (Papendorp,
Leidsche Rijn and Kanaleneiland) with protagonists of Akira Kurosawa’s and Kira Muratova’s films. By combining these sources, I am fictionalizing these sites and characters. My work explores different relations that one can have to the place she/he inhabits. By making this storyboard I am setting up a simple narratives, where the state of belonging to the space is challenged by arrival of the newcomers and where ownership and legal rights to a flat are challenged by its illegal occupation. To address the contemporary crisis of the social housing, I follow with the camera the living conditions of Kanaleneiland citizens with an emphasis on creating fictional narrative, to avoid surveillance, stereotypes and the anthropological gaze.
