255.000 CHF, 2009

The project 255.000 CHF developed for the 2009 Passengers Festival in Warsaw, which was framed around the issue of the crisis in real estate market.

I invited Zuzanna to collaborate on this project based on her experience with the real estate market’s collapse, through her purchase of a flat, in Swiss Francs. Examining on the correlations between the instability of Swiss currency and Zuzanna’s emotional state, both influenced by the global economic crisis, we collaborated according to her mortgage loan payment schedule. On the first of every month for half a year, we would build in collaboration, visual representations of Zuzannaʼs home, using as a studio, a “wasteland” located in a district where I used to live in Warsaw, inviting friends to participate in the ritual.

The process of building houses was documented with stop-motion videos and photographs. The whole documentation was exhibited in the architecture studio, 590architekci.pl, in Warsaw.